Cruelty Free!
As I've stated before, finding shoes that are simultaneously breath-taking and cow-free is not easy. Back in 8th grade, I tracked down a pair of non-leather Doc Martens, rumored to be made of the same material that comprises yacht sails; my greatest accomplishment to date, despite their exorbitant cost.
Nowadays, PETA publishes all sorts of helpful information on cruelty-free cosmetics and companies. High end designers like Stella McCartney are catching on and using kind materials and methods.
There's Pangea. And no shortage of well-marked athletic shoes. But when you're thinking cute, wearable, and sturdy, it's a challenge to plow through the mall and find NOTHING. In the beginning, I picked Man-Mades that wear generally available at your cheaper retailers--Bakers, Target, Payless; the look without the cow (or the price tag). But lately, leather must have gotten cheaper or something, because it has gotten progressively more difficult.
Again, I can't claim that my 80+ pairs of shoes all fall into this category. I wish that they did. The spirit is strong, but the body is weak, you know?
Alternative Outfitters makes things simple: an actual selection of shoes for all occasions.
These are my favorites: